Bright Sunshiny Day

Budding Trees

Sunday the sun finally came out and the weather warmed up to a delightful 20ºC, so naturally I hauled myself outside for some spring cleaning (and bonus cardio!)  There’s so much that’s got to be done, but I made a good dent: trimmed down the rose, cleaned a couple of garden beds, cut the lawns, gathered up some stuff to be tossed out.  It’s been hard, with all the rain we’ve been getting and the cold.  Many times the yard didn’t get a chance to dry out to be cleaned up before the weather struck again.  Hasn’t exactly been the greatest of starts to spring, right?

Everyone was out on Sunday, it seemed.  The quiet of such a beautiful Sunday was punctuated with the sounds of lawnmowers and power tools.  My neighbour beside me has been working on a couple of things, what I don’t quite know.  I do know they like to entertain and their backyard has slowly had new additions so I’m sure it’s probably something really eye-catching.  I’ll be following his suit this year, probably beginning of June more or less.  The backyard and front yard are getting complete overhauls (the former moreso than the latter); garden boxes, sod (I hope), patio stones for under the tent, getting rid of the rotting deck.  That I’m not looking forward to, I can only imagine what manner of critters have made their home under there.  You can see the indentations in the dirt.  Patio stones are likely going to be the easiest to acquire, you can always find someone wanting to off-load extras.

First thing is to figure out whether I need to replace the tent canopy or not.  It didn’t fit quite right last year and I need to figure out whether it got warped from the weather or I was too tired to re-adjust it.  Crossing my fingers because it’s $115 extra I really don’t want to spend this year if I don’t have to.  But, we’ll see.  Because if this warm weather’s going to hold (after this next round of rain), I want my patio furniture back out there!  Afternoon reading, here I come!

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