Blogmas Day 28 – Winter Veil

My favourite World of Warcraft holiday, although I wish there was more to do every year.  I love the holidays because they bring the player base around a little more, everyone breaks out the holiday toys and you can always be sure that there are players around to help you do daily quests.  And of course every location, even the most remote of places, get all dressed up with wreaths and lights and trees.  Warlords, as shitty as an expansion as that was, even gave us the option to decorate our garrisons with all sorts of goodies.  Decorations, a dancing snowman, even getting to dress up your guards in holiday garb.  I still hate the female holiday suits though, they’re stupid and ridiculous and in serious need of a revamp.  It’s one of those stupid things where the item on a male character is a reasonable outfit and the same item on a female results in a stupidly tiny skirt and a top that just barely covers her boobs.  Seriously.  If they could reverse that one year without telling anyone, that would be absolutely hilarious.

I’m going to aim for finally getting my holiday title this year.  The last achievement I need is a PVP achievement, and I’m super terrible at PVP so it’s a challenge.  But I managed to do it for Halloween, I’m sure I can do it for this.  It’s only 50 players instead of 10, how hard could that be?  I’ll pick off players in the Dalaran Sewers just like I did last time, hehe.